The Heaven Answer Book

What is the Book of Life and does it really exist?

T he Book of Life is God’s record of all those over the centuries who have trusted Christ as their Savior and have followed Him as Lord. Many books are mentioned in the Bible: the Book of the Covenant, Book of the Law, Book of the Kings, Book of the Records, Book of Remembrance, Book of the Lord, and so forth. But one book is supremely important: the Book of Life. The Bible says that in God’s presence “books were opened. Another book was opened, which is the book of life. . . . only those whose names are written in the Lamb’s book of life” will enter Heaven (Revelation 20:12, 21:27). If you have given your life to Christ, your name is already written there. Furthermore, Jesus has promised that if you belong to Him, nothing will ever be able to remove your name from its pages. He declared, “I will



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