Cyber Secure NVR User Manual - 2022

To capture and save packets, select the USB storage device, specify the port number and IP address, and then click right to the desired NIC. The captured packets are saved as a backup file in the root directory of the USB storage device. You may click Open to view the file.


 The packet size is 1520 byes by default and can be changed as needed.  The backup file of the captured packets is named in NIC name _ time .pcap format.  Packets cannot be captured if it is already started on the Web interface.  If you use PPPoE, a virtual NIC will appear in the list after the dial-up succeeds, and you may capture packets sent to and from this NIC.

Network Settings

Click Maintain > Network Info > Network to view network settings.

PoE/Network Port Status

Only certain NVR models support this function. Click System > Network Info to view port status. In the figure below, the blue port is in use. For PoE models, power information will be displayed.


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