Cyber Secure NVR User Manual - 2022



Turn on/off the light. Turn on/off the wiper. Use 3D positioning. Turn on/off the heater.

 Turn on/off the function to remove snow.

Turn on/off PTZ shortcut operations.


 Check that the 3D positioning, heater and snow removal functions are supported by the camera before using.  Use 3D positioning to zoom in or out. Dragging from top down zooms in. Dragging the other way zooms out. Preset button.  Save the current position and status of the camera as a preset.  Call a preset so the PTZ camera goes to the preset position.

Delete a preset



are displayed for saved

presets only.


Preset patrol, recorded patrol and auto guard. For detailed information, see Setting a Preset Patrol, Setting a Recorded Patrol, and Setting Auto Guard.


Start or stop.

Setting and Calling a Preset

A preset position (preset for short), is a saved view used to quickly steer the PTZ camera to a specific position. A preset consists of the following settings: pan and tilt positions, zoom, focus, and iris. 1. Access the PTZ Management window. For the detailed steps, see PTZ Control Window and PTZ Management Window.


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